Seductive Affair by Rishab Puri

Name- Seductive Affair
Written By- Rishabh Puri
Published by- Sristi Publishers & Distributors
Ratings-⭐️⭐️⭐️(.8)/5 (3.8/5)
Thank you @officialrishabhpuri and @srishtipub for this review copy.
Prisha is a simple Delhi girl who aspires to become a journalist. Devastated by her last breakup she finally gets her dream job at Chronicles. Everything seemed fine until her eyes met with Rajesh's, a handsome reporter. Her world is turned upside down when she is sent to an office trip with the hot reporter Rajesh. What follows next? (Read the story to find out)
Thumbs up-
●This is a simple yet alluring romantic story. Its written in a lucid language for every reader to understand which is the biggest plus point.
●The plot is also interesting and spins slowly unfolding everything gradually.
● The plot mainly sticks to the central characters without adding unnecessary  parallel stories.
●The leads are pretty much realistic and the female lead Prisha is also realistic and not some shero.
Thumbs down-
◆The plot had a little been there done that feeling and is pretty predictable sometimes.
Personal views-
Every story has its own standpoint and hence I believe each should be handled differently and individually. Seductive Affair is a perfect read if you want to go for a simple romantic story. Its also something a newbie should read if they love romantic novels.


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